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Sing song

It's a cute song about apples, and it's our way to sing it.

Do you like Non dairy's Diary new suit? I tried to make a very simple white template , and got so bored I switched for something more fun.


Papier chiyogami et masking tape trouve a Japan Town. C'est tellement compliqué ces histoire de collages et de copyrights, c'est pour ça que je crée mes propres patterns. Mais la bon, les deux etant vendus comme materiel pour des collages, je pense que ca va.


Vous aimez le nouvel habillage du blog? J'ai essaye de faire un truc très simple, très chic, très blanc : je n'ai pas tenu deux jours. Le minimalisme, c'est pas vraiment moi.


Out of the box

I love matrioshkas, so cute and pretty with lots of patterns. But well, they are, in a way, boxes. With another identical woman in it, etc.

Is it really better than Barbie ™ as a picture of how to embrace womanhood, I'm not so sure. 

Anyway, I thought I should give this little one a chance to think out of the box. Good luck, little matrioshka!


J'aime bien les matrioshkas, mais il faut admettre que comme  image de la femme, une boite avec une autre nana identique dedans c'est pas heu un symbole hyper liberateur, on va dire ça comme ça. Ca reste super cute, c'est pas le probleme.  Et c'est un joujou genial pour les petits.

Donc bon, avec les vacances, il est peut-être temps de sortir de la boite, choupette. Amuse toi bien, petite poupée Russe!


6, and counting

It's been six years today that I blog on the Non dairy Diary. At first it was an attempt to keep in touch with my friends from France, just after I moved here. Friends mostly preferred to keep in touch in others ways. But here the magic begun. New people shown up in the comments, who became friends, too.

Then I began to show a few sketches, drawn to change my mind from stuff I do as a job ( at that time, action movies special effects, and somewhat violent games). More people came, and liked them. I kept the friends, welcomed the fans, bullied the bullies, and then from the sketches came illustrations, and from the illustrations a new job I love.

I owe this blog a big part of a happy life : thank you and happy birthday, Non Dairy Diary!

Lots of love to you, dear readers!


Cela fait six ans aujourd'hui que je blogue sur le Non dairy Diary. Au début, il s'agissait d'une tentative pour garder le contact avec mes amis de France, juste après que j'aie déménagé ici. Mais mes amis préféraient garder le contact par d'autres moyens. C'est la que la magie commence. De nouvelles personnes commencèrent à commenter mes posts, qui sont devenues des amies, elles aussi (personne, c'est féminin Moukmouk, ok?). J'ai commencé à montrer quelques croquis, faits pour me changer les idées de mon boulot  (à l'époque, des effets spéciaux pour des films d'action, et des jeux parfois violents). Plus de gens sont venus, on bien aimé aussi je crois . J'ai gardé les amis, accueilli les fans, rabroué les trolls ( sauf une que j'adore), et les croquis sont devenus des illustrations, et les illustrations un nouveau job dont je suis frappadingue.

Je dois à ce blog une grande partie d'une vie très heureuse: Merci et bon anniversaire, mon petit journal!

Plein de love sur vous les gars, et particulièrement sur ceux et celles qui me lisent depuis toujours (coucou Angel!).

(A quick movie that shows how a bad sketch can be transformed efficiently in a bad painting.)



Pretty in green

It's that time again! July is a chilly month in the bay area, please pack a scarf!



C'est de nouveau le mois de Juillet, le mois des brouillards ici, ressortez les foulards et les pulls :)



(faut que j'apprenne a coudre moi, spas possible, ca va pas le faire)


A simple solution for color settings

Lost in a sea of colorsettings? Here's the trick:

Just make sure you have IN what you need OUT.


Si vous voulez vous en sortir avec les Colors settings, rappellez vous juste que vous devez avoir les mêmes settings en ENTREE et en SORTIE. C' est tout.

Donc pour blogguer, il faut voir du sRGB,ouvrir ou créer un sRGB, sauver un fichier en sRGB. Ça parait facile maintenant, non?


A brief introduction to color settings

If you already asked yourself why your pictures were not the same colors when you send them via mail, or why they don't look the same on the internet and on your computer, this tutorial is for you.
It's been 19 years now that I use Photoshop for movies, prints on paper and the internet. Photoshop is pretty straightforward, but there's a few things that were always difficult to handle.  The color settings is one of these. It's a very important point, and I'm always surprised to see how little artists actually know or care about it!
Here's a picture seen on my mac with basic color settings, and exactly the same when seen on a basic browser on the internet.  Do you see the point? 
When you draw on a piece of paper, a picture is a picture and what you see is what you get. 
But you always have to adapt to the color of the paper (never perfectly white) and the impediments of the medias ( no luminous red in gouache).
On your computer it's just the same. There's parameters. At some point programers found interesting to try to counter balance the picture you have on your screen with color settings, to fit some use or another (web, print, cinema). It's like, the temperature of color is so and so, but it displays differently with different color settings. Talk about a pain for the color lover.
There's color settings on every steps of a picture process, and very little people are aware of them. Your scanner will apply one set, then the software you use, then the printer, and sometimes the internet browser. It's very difficult, even for professionals, to be aware of every steps. If it's not consistent form beginning to end, the colors will change and it can be a huge problem. 

There's 3 kinds of color settings in Photoshop. You will have settings that applies to the software itself and the way it displays pictures. You will already have some settings on the picture itself, or you can apply some in Photoshop. And then you will have the possibility to export your picture in a setting or another.

Weirdly enough, the way to change the color settings isn't the same from one Photoshop version to another. Please check your documentation for more information.Before doing any picture, check the settings (shift+command+K) or choose edit>color settings in newer versions, looking in the preferences for older versions.  Choose according to your needs. For the internet, it's better to choose sRGB, even if some browsers like Safari are able now to detect a different profile.

I'm not really fond of SRGB, but I had to adapt myself to it because it's the default one in numerous applications (baaah). Then make a new picture according to these settings, or open a pre-existing one. Say yes when asked to convert to the new settings. Color will look different sometimes, it can even be a HUGE surprise. Correct accordingly. You a can also assign (dangerous) or convert (better) an opened picture to the new setting (look in the Edit menu to find these options).  Photoshop has also a specific module for saving for web and devices  (File > Save For Web & Devices) 

 It's different in each version, but basically, look around until you have found the "convert to" and"saves as" sRGB option. It doesn't exist in all the versions. If you have an older version (pre CS3), make sure you converted your picture in sRGB first. If you don't pay attentions and build a picture in Photoshop with unadapted color settings ( like Adobe 1998 instead of sRGB for the net), then it might appear different on a media that accepts only sRGB. I learned it the hard way with Non Dairy and had also the problem with my first Moo Cards. It is important to make sure that, in and out, all your color settings match.

In conclusion, I recommend to ALWAYS check with your client what kind of color setting they need for the finished product. If the client doesn't know, choose sRGB by default, and ask for test prints if possible.

(dites si vous ne comprenez pas, demandez dans les coms, je ferais une traduction, mais la je n'ai pas le courage d'y passer les heures nécessaires, merci!)


seven characters inspired by the toys on my desk.


Summer time