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Entries from February 1, 2009 - February 28, 2009



Bon en fait je suis malade* et c'est portnawak. Je fais partie de ces gens qui ne savent pas s'arreter alors je ne fais que des betises. Je me suis arretee avant de casser ma machine a coudre, mais j'ai quand meme brise une bouteille de fond de teint, plante mon mac et ecorne un livre neuf, sacrilege! Mon fils est passe au travers, mais j'ai du arreter pour lui dessiner des bobones menoms. C'est super dur de dessiner pour un garçonnet, on a vingt secondes pour faire le truc sinon paf c'est rate ca ne l'interesse plus.

Ah si vous voulez savoir ce qu'est un bobone menom, ben voila.
Et sinon j'espere que vous allez tous bien?

©del4yo delphine doreau 2009

I'm kinda sick. Unfortunately I'm restless when I'm sick, not really able to stop because there's so many things I want to do anyway. I managed to crash my mac, dog ear a new book and brake a bottle of foundation. I called it a day before braking my sewing machine.

 I sat and since I was seated someone jumped on my lap and asked for quick cute animals. Here we are, these won't break ( but I sat on the blue crayon).

I hope you are all doing good.



*une angine, c'est rien tout va bien.


C- Not very good at respecting the subject.

la traduc demain cause que la j'ai sommeil ^0^
©del4yo delphine doreau 2009I was tagged by 2 friends (love guys) with a tag that goes all over Facebook...And  I can't find better than answering on my blog, with biased rules, because sorry I couldn't fit in, as usual.

Rules were:

1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random”
or click http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

What were the odds? I got a name in French.

2 - Go to "Random quotations"
or click http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

"The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself."Mark Twain (lovely)

3 - Go to flickr and pick a random picture.....This rule I couldn't follow. Come on! It's the best subject ever, random illustration subject! Fun fun fun! Yihaaa! So from this random name and this random title, I made an illustration.

4 - Use Photoshop or similar to put it all together.

5 - Post it to FBwhatever with this text and TAG the friends you want to join in.

So since I changed the rules, I will tag back Lilfairy. And Sam if she feels like it. And of course I have to tag Clo, PaintBetty  and la Trollette. And whoever feels like having fun!


Paris village

(from memory) The tiny houses in the "la Mouff'" quarter in Paris.

This said, the person who installed a bird house in the Non Dairy without asking me has to tell me where she/he put it. We can't let birds invading the blog like that. It's been four posts people. It's too much.

Not that I don't like birds. Just that sometimes I like a sketch without a birdie. OK?


©del4yo delphine doreau

Paris village, de memoire de Mouff', avec la nostalgie de la baguette du boulanger de la place de l'Estrapade. Celui qui est ouvert le lundi, pas comme le boulanger de la Rue Saint Jacques, et heureusement, parceque ma Bonne-Maman n'aimait pas trop son pain, mais moi oui.

Ceci dit, je serais contente que la personne qui a planque une mangeoire a oiseaux dans le Non Dairy se denonce im-me-dia-tement et qu'elle me dise ou elle l'a mise.

Ca fait 4 posts, c'est bon, je voudrais bien un dessin sans oiseaux maintenant.



S'il vous plait?




My paper your paper

I always carry a sketch book in my bag. I began when I was 17 and never stopped. It proved very useful with a toddler to entertain while waiting for pancakes and tuna melts. I wouldn't have bet when I was 17. My sketchbooks were sacred back then.

©del4yo delphine doreau 2009

Il fut un temps ou mes carnets de croquis etaient sacres. Maintenant mon papier sert aussi en attendant le brunch du dimanche. Je n'arrive pas a savoir si cela me ravit ou m'agace. Les deux sans doute. 

©del4yo delphine doreau 2009


Graphic ornaments from this book. 


Cueillons des aujourd'hui les roses de la vie

La traduction ici
©del4yo delphine doreau 2009

No, this picture wasn't taken in an aquarium. It was just raining a LOT in San Francisco today. My neighbor goldfish escaped by the window. We are still looking for it. I might have seen it singing in the lemon tree but I'm not quite sure. Too many jelly fishes.

No kidding. I promised the end of the cherry tree story , but there is actually 2 endings and maybe some more.

First of all, the next day after my post , I got a very extravagant and fantastic parcel from France, from my friend La Trolette. Inside there was a card with a beautiful photo she made a year ago. Yes I know, roses they are, but not very far from my cherry tree, and anyway the coincidence was stuning, and reminded us of the French Carpe Diem by Ronsard "Let's gather nowadays the roses of life".

Then today while I was reading one of my favourite French blogs, le haut clos. And a HUGE surprise was waiting for me! Thinking of my little cherry tree, Clothilde added a few flowers to the invitation  she made for a shop opening. She said that like that I had my proof...How lovely, how sweet!

I love this idea of artists sharing a same subject for fun and friendship. I will now cherish twice the little cherry tree on Quai Branly. Once for memories, twice for friendship. Thank you so much les cheries!


Happy Valentine's Day

A la Saint Valentin, fait des bisous a ton poussin

© del4yo delphine doreau 2009


Demain si j'ai le temps je vous raconte la suite de l'histoire du cerisier. En attendant, a mon amoureux et a tous mes amis, joyeuse St Valentin!

Tomorrow I will tell you the end of the cherry tree's story. Until then, to my beloved and all myfriends, lots of love, happy Valentine's day!



Memoire de Parisienne

Some days I remember Paris. I'd like to find the small cherry tree who used to blossom in February on the quai  Branly near the Eiffel Tower (check on left in the google window). The map must have been made later, around the end of march. Catalpas are in full bloom, but I can't find my  cherry tree. 

Today I made a sketch in my planner, doodeling flowers near a cute Eiffel Tower. I used to stop by the cherry tree on my way to the library in the Japan center, where I spent my Saturdays afternoons out of the noisy messy world, studying origami. Today I miss my cherry tree.



Je m'enerve, je m'agace. Pas moyen de retrouver le petit cerisier sur le quai de Branly. Dans mon souvenir il est quelquepart entre la tour Eiffel et l'avenue de Sufren, mais je n'y suis pas, pas moyen de verifier. Les photos sur Google datent de fin mars, ce sont les catalpas qui sont en fleurs, de cerisiser, point. Il est trop tard dans ce Paris la.

View Larger Map

 Pourquoi est-ce que je me preoccupe de ce petit cerisier? C'est que j'ai un agenda.

Oh il est tres joli, il vient de Coree. Il s'appelle "bonjour Paris" C'est un Paris de boite a bonbon, ca ressemble a mes dessins, j'aime bien parceque je peux continuer les illustrations, sport auquel j'excellais, hahem, dans mes cahiers de devoir de vacances ( pardon maman). Ca me detend.

Bref. Aujourd'hui je notais mon planning de prod et j'ai avise une petite tour Eiffel. Comme les cerisiers sont en fleurs chez nous a San Francisco, je me suis demande :

"Est-ce que le petit cerisier du quai Branly est en fleurs?"
Alors j'ai gribouille des fleurs autour.

Pourquoi ce petit cerisier particulierement?

Quand j'etais jeune fille (je suis toujours jeune ho) a Paris (c'est ca la difference) j'allais le samedi etudier l'origami a la bibiliotheque de la maison de la culture du Japon a Paris. Et je passais devant le petit cerisier, qui en Fevrier est un remede souverain a la deprime de fin d'hiver. Le calme de la bibliotheque etant lui meme un remede souverain a la frenesie de chopping qui saisit la moitie de la region parisienne au moment des soldes.

Bref aujourd'hui je pensais au petit cerisier de la tour Eiffel.

Est-il en fleur?





Lutin hat

I needed a hat for my boy and couldn't bring myself to buy the usual horrid ones you find in shops. What do they have in mind when designing stuff for boys? Everything looks like created for a tiny soldier. I want a little cuteness! Anyway.

So I took some circular needles and knitted:

Mount 87 stitches. Knit 1 inch garter (1 row knit, one row purl with circular needles)
4 to 5 inches stockinette (knit knit knit no purl)
Then I continued knitting making 3 decreases by row until I could knit anymore. I finished the knit, sew the end closed, added a pompom, et voila!

Very easy project. I'm a dumb knitter.

Puisqu'on me demande ce que je tricote, et que je ne perds pas une occasion de faire mon interessante, voici le bonnet de mon fils. Franchement vu les horreurs que j'ai vu en magazin, je trouve que je m'en sort plutot pas mal. Si le patron vous interesse je peux traduire, mais ca frise le ridicule dans le genre simple, vu que je ne tricote que sous la menace. Franchement si la mode pour garçon ne ressemblait pas aussi souvent a du design pour nains para-militaires, on ne me verrait jamais avec des aiguilles :D