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Entries from July 1, 2006 - July 31, 2006




Sometimes inspiration is a weird thing...My mind is wandering , here comes a rabbit, here comes an other, and then ants dancing, and another bunny traveling with a star, and this one looks not really happy, why?  And the ants keep on dancing, it must be fun to dance on six feet!

One day after another, slow summer.


Tu bosses? Ouais, ouais...

Do you work?
Not exactly...





On the left :
No news from miss Fraise (Strawberry)

On the right:
Miss Paquerette (Daisy) is worried :"we were supposed to go shopping together"


En attendant les lapins

What about a ten years old picture? I can't believe I made this exactly ten years ago!
Drawing in cafes was always one of my favourite way to begin a calm week-end.
How Parisian of me!


Dix ans presque exactement!  Malheureusement lors de mon dernier demenagement en France, 7 ans de carnets ont disparus dans les cartons, envoles...C'est une des raisons de ce carnet virtuel, comme ca quoiqu'il arrive il restera des archives numeriques :)

Ca existe toujours le Cannibale a Paris?


new design today :)

First thing to do today should be to click on the "update" button of your browser:
ah! It's better like that. Welcome in My new home!

A new design for 2 years of Non Dairy Diary! Yey, more to come!


Deux ans de Non dairy Diary, il fallait le feter, j'ai refait la deco :)
Si c'est crapouillou, n'oubliez pas de cliquer sur "reactualiser" yes, ca va mieux !
Bienvenue dans le nouveau chez moi!

Au depart je voulais faire un truc genre hyper clean design en trois couleurs la classe, et puis bon heu voila. Huhu.


Wallpaper background

And now for something completely different: the radish backgrounds!
I made 2 of these, enjoy!

Please no reproduction, or commercial use, for my icons&backgrounds,thanks.



The paper craft part is to put your icons neatly organized. You can use my icons for more fun:


Download del4yo_mac.zip

Download del4yo_pc.zip

Voici les fonds d'ecran promis, ouf, typepad est enfin repare!
Je vais continuer sur un rythme plus lent ces jours ci, apres-tout c'est l'ete :)

Tous droits de repoductions reserves, et surtout pas d'usage commercial, merci.


Miss Radish, l'enfant Poireau


Full size this time. I will continue updating fotologue for fun , though.
The second part of the drawing says : "I don't think a boy Leek would be a great success, unfortunately".
I fell in love with miss Radish, I guess I will work on a wallpaper for myself, do you want it too?


Connaissez vous Edward Gorey?  Certaines personnes sont completement impermeables a son humour, malheureusement.

La partie gauche du carnet est consacree a la triste histoire de Miss radish, qui en a marre que tout le monde dise a Mlle Strawberry combien elle est mignonne, alors que c'est juste parceque c'est une fraise et c'est profondement injuste, vraiment.
Les radis ont des sentiments eux aussi. Et l'etiquette adroite dis "mangez vos legunes!"

J'aime beaucoup  Miss Radish, je crois que je vais lui consacrer mon fond d'ecran, le voulez-vous?


Baies de paille- Strawberries

Born_strw09(traduction dans la suite)

If you want to see a version large enough to appreciate the details, you will have to go to
my fotologue gallery.

I know, you were able before to enjoy my illustrations full size here. I had to re-write the html code each time, download my pictures twice, etc, to be hable to show my pictures full size. I calculated  I spent at most 537x15mn= 134 hours and 25 minutes (5 days, more or less) doing this since I opened my blog. During that time I could have painted 20 to 30  illustrations!

Typepad doesn't allow me to show images bigger than 640 pixel, it's a ridiculous small size for illustration. I asked them to change that, but they answered they don't care at all, for it's not in the list of the most wanted things on their open tickets. 

So I'm a bit fed up and I don't know what to do. Any Idea?