Entries from June 1, 2007 - June 30, 2007
Wabbit drop

There is something utterly cool in doing something for your baby that he actually likes.
He loved the tee, loved the bunny, and I think he perfectly understood I did it for him.
Il y a quelque chose tout à fait fraîche en faisant quelque chose pour
votre bébé qu'il aime réellement. Il a aimé la pièce en t, a aimé le
lapin, et je pense il a parfaitement compris que je l'ai fait pour lui.
Je suis super decue, les traductions automatiques sont de mieux en mieux, on comprend presque. Y'a plus moyen de rigoler, han.
Bunny blog

Orange in English, vert en Francais
There is blogs about heavenly delights, like food , fashion and design, travel and so and so.
This blog is an illustration blog, a lot about cuteness and sometimes a bit crafty, but, today I have a new reader and I think I need to get back to something more serious.
I've been light on my favourite subject these past months and it's time to get back to the real purpose of this blog : can't get enough wabbits.
welcome to my Bunny blog!
Ⓒdel4yo-Delphine Doreau 2007
Il y a pres de 20 ans entre cette image et la precedente.C'est rigolo de comparer non?
Il est temps de revenir au vrai sujet de ce blog : les lapinous. Non serieux , j'ai ete super legere sur le sujet ces derniers temps c'est n'importe quoi. Jamais assez de lapins is back, et de serieux pour de vrai.
J'ai un nouveau public de moins de six mois, je sens que je tiens le bon bout la. huhu.
say 19 and cough

Ca veut dire "dites 33" Moi j'aime bien que 33 ca se traduise par 19.
In French "say 19 " would be "say 33". I like that 33 would be translated by 19.
19 years ago I was a student at the Art Decoratifs school in Paris. I was living with my Bonne Maman (my grand mother) and she would babysat my goddaughter sometimes. She was 2, had a blue bunny and she didn't like me. I was desperate. Bonne-Maman suggested I draw some bunnies for her. I did a whole book telling the story of her day with bunnies.
Il y a 19 ans j'étais étudiante à l'école des Arts Decoratifs à
Paris. Je vivais chez ma Bonne-Maman, qui gardait ma filleule parfois. Elle avait 2 ans, un
lapin bleu et elle ne m'aimait pas, na. J'étais désespérée.
Bonne-Maman suggéra que je dessine quelques lapins pour elle.
fait un livre entier racontant sa journee de petite fille, avec des lapins.
First she would look at the picture from far away, then closer, then closer. She was amazed to see someone drawing a book about her day. With bunnies. What a delight. She ended up on my lap while I was drawing. I could hardly breath. I was really happy.
D'abord elle a recupere les images que je laissais tomber sur le parquet, puis j'ai pu lui tendre au fur et a mesure, et a la fin elle a fini sur mes genoux pour me regarder dessiner. Je retenais mon souffle, j'etais aux anges.
I think she still has the book. Here's a sketch of her, the day I did the book. Hopefully I draw better now. But it's a very endearing souvenir.
Je pense qu'elle a toujours le livre. Ca c'est un croquis fait le fameux jour ou j'ai fait ce livre. J'espere que je dessine un peu mieux maintenant, mais c'est un super souvenir.
Today I began drawing for my son. I showed him the result: "look I did it for you" and he looked at the screen, looked at me, and made a big huge smile. He was really happy. Of course, it was a bunny :)
Don't show this post to babies

(French is written in blue, English is written in black)
Eloignez les bebes de l'ecran, cette image fiche la frousse a mon fils!
Sans dec' Angel, c'est pas pour la Boulette :)
L'autre jour j'etais dans la chambre de mon fils apres un gros calin-biberon apres le jeu...en regardant autour de moi ca ressemblait a ca:
Don't show this picture to babies. It frightened my 3 month old son. Bad.
I'm so sorry! I just exagerated a little bit the feeling I had in his nursery.
Big googleeyes are really fashionable in children toys these days.
Franchement je trouve ca un peu effrayant tous ces gros yeux, et il semblerait que mon fils n'en raffole pas tant que ca...les jouets a gros yeux il tape dessus. Ca le defoule, hum.J'ai fait une photo pour que vous vous rendiez mieux compte:
I noticed he kicks on google eyes toys and play gently with the ones with simple black eyes. I keep the colorful and googly eyes ones for sporty play time.
I carry around the house a bag of the ones with gentle eyes and cute colors we prefer, for the more quiet playtimes. Anyway, these days he is more interested in his plush bunnies, and he has just invented the concept of security blanket.
I think he'd like to grant a patent.
Du coup je me ballade dans la maison avec un ses jouets preferes, ceux qui font les yeux doux, dans des couleurs qu'on aime bien tous les deux, dans un petit sac, et je garde les gros yeux pour les moments les plus sportifs. Il aime particulierement shooter dans la coccinelle, houla. Ca fait deux mois qu'elle en prend plein la tete la pauvre.
Ceci dit ces derniers jours il prefere ses lapins en peluche. Et il vient juste d'inventer le concept du doudou.
Je crois qu'il aimerait bien deposer un brevet.
Del4yo stands for love and bunnies

Do you know Ben the illustrator? he has this real cool feature called Speakerdog with a neat series of paper toy designed by artists from all over the world. I'm glad to tell you I'm part of
wouldn't it be cool to make the whole series to decorate your cubicle?
Happy Monday!
Connaissez vous Ben the illustrator ? il a ce super perso appelé Speakerdog. Sur son site vous trouverez toute une serie du meme jouet a decouper orne par des designers de partout dans le monde...J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que je fait partie de la serie 2, allez vite voir !!
all images copyright of Ben the Illustrator.
Color me ugly

They say babies love vivid colors...But do they have to be ugly colors?
Vivid colors can be nice and cute, but the usual toy maker doesn't know about it.
I think it participates to colorphobia in occidental world. How can you like colors if the ones you had to play with were ugly?
I would love to find toys in the vivid colors of beautiful saris, English Smarties or Hungarian embroidery. No way. Here you are, stuck for the afternoon in the nursery, looking around while the baby gets asleep, watching this ugly brilliant yellow paired with a scarlet red , an eye killing royal blue, and the annoying office green. England only escaped a century ago from a 50 years long trend of aniline mauve for you to find it paired with all the other colors of your child's toys. Talk about an education!
What a chart:
No color is ugly. It's the way you put them together that will make them ugly or not.
Aniline mauve is beautiful on a Victorian dress. But paired with this green? ouch.
It's really possible to have fun with vivid colors and still have a pleasant result.
I'd love to find more things like this:
or even like that?
It's my own taste of course. Maybe you would like kahki and beige, navy blue and red, or orange and purple toys? I'd love some plain orange too!
As an adult I'm free to choose between a lot of styles and colours when I want to buy an outfit or an object. I'd be glad to have more choice for my baby, and find some stuff that will suit my style.
I found some relief here :
Oompa toys and Moolka toys,
with brands like Haba, Sigikid , Latitude enfant, and our (me&Bibu) favourite: Jellycat.
we also love Wee Gallery for their black and white apealing pictures.
Si vous voulez une traduction dites-le dans les coms, je m'y mettrais...