I bought some Moleskine sketchbooks for work, but that black cover is most sorely depressing, don't you think?
Plus everybody has the same, it's so boring.
I feel like by having one I show that I try desperately to be taken seriously, which is really just not me. I am one lucky person who doesn't need to accessorize in sleek black to be taken seriously for the whimsical person I thrive to be :D
So, I stumbled upon the Reform Fabric Stickers, which is fabric with glue on one side. You can Mod Podge all right for that kind of project, but I like the touch of the Reform Fabric better. This is not a sponsored post and if you have a better solution I am interested!
Any way, I printed some of my Bunny shaped tags that I laminated for sturdiness, a bit of glue, et voila!
The only problem I had covering the book was with the elastic closure...Two slits with scissors in the fabric fixed it in seconds.
Wouldn't it be a nice gift idea for a friend?

J'ai acheté des carnets Moleskine pour bosser, mais la couverture noire me sort par les trous de nez. De plus tout le monde a le même, c'est un peu triste .
Allez hop, un peu de tissus autocollant, mes étiquettes en forme de lapin, et je n'aurais pas honte de le sortir au café à Paris!