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Entries from October 1, 2006 - October 31, 2006


Today is a special day

Hollowzeve01I did these sketches last year, at the restaurant, and at work, and in the streets here. What I like about Halloween  in San Francisco is that sometimes you are not really quite sure if people are dressed up or not. I love this city!

J'ai fait ces dessins l'annee derniere au boulot et dans la rue, et puis au restau ici. beaucoup de gens se deguisent, non ce n'est pas une fete commerciale mais bien une bonne occasion de s'amuser. Ce dont je raffole par dessus tout c'est qu'ici a San Francisco on est jamais bien sur si quelqu'un est deguise ou pas. J'aime  cette ville!


Today is also a special day because it's Julia's Birthday. Happy birthday Julia!




Vous etes de nombreux a venir vous faire briller les mirettes ici...peut-etre vous demandez-vous ou vais-je chercher le bonheur bloggesque quand il s'agit de me rejouir les yeux en quete d'inspiration?

Here are my favourite blogs for creative inspiration:

Print and pattern
The author of this blog is even more passionate than I am about patterns. Lovely!

Paper Forest
About paper art and paper Automatas.
L'auteur de ce blog sauvera tous vos mercredis pluvieux, je dis bien tous. Armez l'imprimante.

Cute Overload
Get your daily dose of cooing.
Comment vous ne connaissiez pas cute overload?  Allez voir, et n'ayiez pas peur de faire gouzi gouzi a votre ecran, personne ne regarde.




I just realised I never followed the Chiyogami Monday's subjects, shame on me!

So I made this special kokeshi pattern for our October theme "dolls".

Do you like it?

more chiyogamis:


my chiyogamis:





It's been a while I haven't posted patterns...This one is inspired by the traditional Japanese Koinobori, those fabric carps people hang proudly on their roof on Boy's day...It's not a very feminist tradition, I know, but the fabric fishes are so beautiful!


You can use this pattern for personal use only.
No commercial use, thanks.



3 colours

L'eau etait si transparente que les poissons volaient...                     .
Retrouvez les posts sur Moorea en cliquant ici


Last year at the same moment we were preparing our trip to Tahiti and  Moorea...One of the details I loved the most there were the colourful fishes in the transparent blue water, and yellow hibiscus flowers gently flotting on it. So beautiful and peaceful, I miss it.

A yellow hibiscus
On the blue water
A red mullet twirl around.

The water is so transparent, fishes look like flying.


Lundi ca flotte

He oui il va falloir attendre lundi...


Weather report : monday under water (the translation is almost impossible from French, sorry)


Ail ail ail


what do you really like here?
I don't know, maybe the light.


Lemony tickets


And if you see Morris, think about my lemons:
These lemons will probably remind you something if you are a fan of Charles Morris patterns, especially one called "fruits". I spotted it in a book about patterns, didn't buy the book, but felt like sketching this while waiting in the subway. I find the Arts & Crafts movement very interesting, but I can't help doing it my own way...is that a good definition for inspiring?

Ces citrons vont probablement vous rappeler quelquechose, surtout si vous etes interesses par les motifs de Charles Morris, dont un plus particulierement qui s'appelle "fruits".
Je l'ai vu dans un bouquin, ca m'a paru un peu demode, j'ai laisse le bouquin, et ces citrons ont fleuri sous mes doigts en attendant le metro.  J'aime bien le style Arts & Crafts, mais je le trouve un peu desuet, je ne peux pas m'empecher de redessiner tout ca a ma facon...Est-ce que c'est une bonne definition de l'inspiration ca, ne pas pouvoir s'empecher de refaire a sa facon?