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Entries from June 1, 2005 - June 30, 2005


Angel's questionary

He y'a un post en dessous aussi!

For my not French speaking anglosaxophone friends who wondered about that very very long post I did 2 days ago, it's a questionary about life and so on that my friend Angel wrote. I thought you deserved a translation:

14 Essentials Questions  for You:

1 How do you kill mosquitoes?
2 simple, double or triple?
3 life death  and cows,how about you?
4  which department?
5 Quote someone you really find pityfull,(not me or...)
6 F... hungry yes, but what are you hungry of ?
7 A not so pretty word but it's sooo good to say it from time to time.
8 What do you see?
9 Alone on a desert iland...
10 The worst movie ever
11 A living hell?
12 A secret ( ok everyody will know it)
13 Make a kiss!
14 You're done, how do you feel now?

It was very difficult to translate, so I expect you, my dear friends , to answer it:
Mr Peeldog , lady Paintbetty , and sweet Sam  if you feel like it of course!


It's not that I'm particulaly lazy but

Sometimes you just need to do...nothing.


Qui a le temps?


Le post le plus long de l'annee

C'est la faute d'Angel ( et en plus je cafte)
Sorry no translation today.








 Merci de votre attention... Je passe la main a :

Adelie, Adeline, Nziem , Miam , Girafette , ne me remerciez pas les copines c'est tout naturel.

Zydeco, tu y echappes tout juste parceque je ne sais pas si tu aimes les exercices imposes ( ou pas)...Quant a Moumouk...Hehe tu as de la chance de ne pas avoir de blog.





Head in the clouds, feet on the ground, and " le nez dans l'herbe" , nose in the grass, witch doesn't mean at all what you think.


Download a bigger image: Le nez dans l'herbe
Voir en plus grand:Le nez dans l'herbe

Un temps parfait pour la chasse au papillons. Ou pour une gay pride, au choix.



Coming soon

As soon as I get rid of that strange disease called "labyrinthis".

J'ai choppe un petit virus rigolo qui s'appelle "labyrinthis", et depuis j'ai du mal a rester devant mon ordi, ca tourne...Ouhla.

Danslherbea plus!


Black & white

This was a very difficult exercice to me...I'm more of a colorist!

It's a true story:


Pour "illustration friday"

C'etait dur parceque je suis plutot coloriste, le noir et blanc, bon...C'est tout dessine sur ordi parceque meme mon carnet est en couleurs?!

J'avance sur les oiseaux...ou presque...Est-ce qu'il y a un Dr Flash dans l'assistance?



Stress the bride

Between one of our friend who took the e-mail weeding list to try to meet my girlfriends (and sent an e-mail to my whole family and friends ending with "let's meet, and more if you like") and my (very much) beloved family who would find more comfortable if I was kind enough to organise my wedding 8500 km away from the place I live...I'm like

a bit.


Doodles from Anais. I had my sketchbook back and went to the movie. I love Miyazaki!


Tribute to DIN, of course.

Ca m'ennuie de ne pas nous marier en france pour vous faire plaisir mais c'est TROP complique.

Mon cheri est un calinours pour de vrai, quand meme!  Ouf....


Je poste pas

StrawberryPassque je suis trop occupee a battre Darth Vader  a ce jeu fute que j'ai trouve chez Septembre...J'ai  battu Darth avec un radis rose, une crevette et une fraise des bois, et la je dois dire que je me sens presque un Jedy, tiens!  Un Jedy rose, mais un jedy quand meme, na!

I'm not blogging because I'm playing with Darth Vader , it's a game I found at Septembre .
MikanSince I beat Darth 3 times with a pink radish, a shrimp and a wild strawberry, I consider myself as a Jedy from now! A pink Jedy, of course


Kinokoneko_1 I found this here