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Entries from June 1, 2013 - June 30, 2013


6 livres pour apprendre à dessiner en s'amusant

Here is a review about my favorite doodle books. I am afraid it's in French. But the books are international so please check them. I listed the ISBN and links lower in this post.

Revue : mes livres de dessin préférés from delphine doreau on Vimeo.


Les livres cités:

20 Ways to Draw a Tree and 44 Other Nifty Things from Nature, by Eloise Renouf
ISBN: 9781592538379,

20 Ways to Draw a Cat and 44 Other Awesome Animals, by Julia Kuo
ISBN: 9781592538386 , publisher : Quarry


Illustration School: Let's Draw Plants and Small Creatures, by Sachiko Umoto
ISBN: 9781592536474 , publisher : Quarry Books

Les autres livres par Sachiko Umoto, ici


Illustration au stylo à Bille, par Yoko Ganaha, titre Japonais : ボールペンでイラスト―ちいさなお絵描きレッスン帖 [単行本]  
ISBN-13: 978-4870319202

Et son autre livre, Croquis au Stylo à Bille ,  ボールペンでスケッチ [単行本(ソフトカバー)]
ISBN-13: 978-4870319844


Au début de la video je parle d'Ed Emberley. Il a dessiné plusieurs méthodes de dessin très chouettes, dont "How to draw a world", qui s'adresse plus aux enfants.

Tous ces livres sont très clairs, sans texte ou avec très peu de texte, le language dans lequel ils sont publiés importe finalement très peu.


Pompom Mania

I bought a Japanese Book about Pompoms a while ago ( ISBN 978-4-7661-2282-4 , find a lovely  article  here on Zakka Life about it) ...I was already admiring the whimsical ones my friend Christelle does and, indeed there was a little of pompom making in the studio these past months!

Inspirée par Christelle, de Tambouille, je me suis découvert un penchant marqué pour les pompons...ça a un petit gout d'enfance, et même si c'est killer pour le ventilo de mon ordi, je ne peux pas résister. Je me suis offert un livre de craft  japonais absolument délicieux :  Easy Pretty POM POM - Japanese Craft Book (ISBN 978-4-7661-2282-4) et depuis des que j'ai cinq minutes et un sac d'aspirateur, hop, pompon.


This little bunny was a four-hand project.

I have a self explanatory board on Pinterest : Afternoons with my son. Here I put all the crafts and fun things I would happily do with him. My son doesn't wait to be bored and instead asks for the "Afternoon board". We pick something together, make a to do list (hidden spelling , writing and reading exercise. I feel devilish), hunt what we need in the house and craft. We have loads of fun.
This bunny is inspired from a Martha Stewart's one, but instead of gluing things I sew them as much as possible, because I believe in craft that last. We had a lot of fun, totally recommend.


J'ai un board spécial sur Pinterest: Afternoons with my son, ou j'épingle tous les projets que je voudrais faire avec le Bu. Hier il a choisi le lapin en Pompon de Martha Stewart qui ressemble beaucoup à un cochon d'Inde que ma maman nous a fait, petits...


These delightful pompoms I made from the Easy Pretty POM POM - Japanese Craft Book ( find it at my favorite ebay-shop : Pomadour24, totally recommend) and I find them so absolutely pretty that I procrastinated for months to do what I wanted with them, namely hook them on my handbag. Isn't it cool? My absolutely plain $30 Old Navy handbag looks as fab as an Anthro bag, for $2 of wool and 10 cents of pretty Japanese safety pin.

I am a bit over excited about this. Wouldn't you?


J'ai donc fait quelques pompons du livre Japonais, qui traite le pompon avec un système de projection assez proche des textures 3D...Ha mais ne vous marrez pas,je suis une spécialiste du poil 3D , c'est un métier. Bref j'étais tellement contente des mes pompons qu'il m'a fallu un temps fou pour les utiliser comme je voulais, pour transformer un sac un peu blah en sac chic. J'aurais du le faire plus tôt, c'est carrément la mode ici... Est-ce que c'est la mode en France aussi? 


The cute effects on the photos were made with the iPhone App A Beautiful Mess


Figments of my imagination are really in a good mood today


Ca se bouscule joyeusement dans ma tête aujourd'hui...J'ai un petit coup de coeur pour l'ours et le lapin...Hum. Comme d'habitude.

J'ai taillé tous mes crayons, l'atelier sent bon la rentré des classes et le feu de bois de cèdre.


Non Rachel, y'a pas de chameau. Mais si tu veux, j'ai une recette.


Super boy

Inspired by a little boy I spotted at the park, here is super boy. Every little boy needs a cape and a superhero's T-shirt to roam in the park.  

I drew this little one  for a delightful project but couldn't fit him in the design.
With my publisher and manufacturer we are trying very hard to make designs that are not too expensive, of high quality and made humanely. It's a very fine balance, a lot of hard work and I am so proud we manage to do it!

Spécial dédicace pour la Patate, qui se reconnaitra, avec un clin d'oeil à la Lutine, oui, deux frères, ma chérie, j'ai vécu ça, je compatis.  

Voici super Loulou. Il a une cape. Je le remarque de temps en temps au parc, où il court très vite, mais n'arrive toujours pas à s'envoler.


Super Loulou devait être intégré au projet PMT ( Plus Mignon de la Terre) mais je n'ai pas réussi à le caser pour des raisons de budget. On travaille super dur avec mon éditrice préférée et ma fabricante préférée  pour réussir à faire des chouettes designs accessibles au plus grand nombre.
C'est fou comme c'est dur! Un détail en trop et paf c'est fichu, le produit pas cher de bonne qualité devient produit de luxe.  Couplé au fait que nous voulons que tout soit fabriqué humainement, ça devient un casse tête effroyable parfois.
Je suis toujours super fière quand on s'en sort, et ravie de faire partie d'une telle équipe!


Ceci n'est pas une peinture

A good friend noticed recently that my palette was evolving, and I was so glad she noticed!

I pick colors the way you pick fruit. Here and there, wondering how that pink will do with yellow...These days I work with the colors I don't like, or hated at some point. That mandatory pink I hated as a little girl, the hard blues of the eighties, that ugly blue green and yellow that were so fashionable when I moved in SF. I put them all together and tried to mix and work until I came with something I liked...here we are, some yellows and pink and blue to work with. 

This is not a painting, it's just a palette of colors!

Une amie remarquait récemment que ma palette évolue, cela m'a beaucoup touchée...J'y travaillais justement! Ceci n'est pas une peinture, c'est une palette.

Bleu dur, corail trop vif, jaune trop jaune et vert trop bleu...Toutes couleurs que je déteste, le pire étant ce rose dont on insistait à me parer petite parce que j'étais la seule fille et que les affaires de maman étaient bleues. Je me souviens d'une robe rose en laine, adorable,  mais le tissus était rugueux... Pour moi le rose, ça gratte, ça n'est pas une couleur facile.
Il manque le fuchsia terrible de cette doudoune de très bonne qualité qui a duré des années, misère...Mais je crois que nous sommes sur le point de nous réconcilier. Parfois je m'empare d'une palette  et je mélange jusqu'à ce que des harmonies se détachent. Voila un vert, un bleu que je vais pouvoir intégrer dans ma palette.
Tiens, voilà un rose qui donnera bonne mine à mes jaunes.  Il faut se méfier des couleurs qu'on déteste, elles sont parfois les notes qui manquent à une harmonie qu'on aimera beaucoup. 


Couleur préféré, couleur détestée, les vôtres ont-elles une histoire?


Shrink paper how to

Getting it right with shrink paper is not that easy!

I had this idea in mind of cute shrink paper jewelry. Getting the process just right for wearable art was much more work than expected. I am actually still testing products and ideas.

I tested 3 kinds of paper from Grafix. The printable one would never flatten back after curling in the oven : maybe I got a lemon, but it's too expensive to make more tests. The translucent one did well but the result is not to my taste . The white one was exactly what I wanted but was very difficult to glaze or varnish.

I drew with classic Sharpies on the white grafix shrink paper, but Sharpie ink is NOT permanent on shrink paper. It looks ok. But after a while it melts on the skin or rubs off. It's  difficult to glaze because it is soluble with alcohol, acetone, and water. Most varnish have that kind of solvent. 

So I enquired around, with friend from many horizons, the stylists, the artists, the educators, the art store sales persons and the movie makers!

I ended up with a few solutions.


1.I you want a beautiful finish with an illustration like feel:

First sand your white shrink paper with a 400 grit sand paper to give it some tooth. There will be dust. Don't do this near any computer or electronic device.
Draw with colored pencils ( Prismacolor work beautifully). Keep in mind that your drawing will shrink to 40% of its size or more so your colors will be 2.5 more concentrated, at minimum. Browns will be black, reds will be intense, etc. Cut out, don't forget to punch holes.  Shrink according to instructions.Then glaze or varnish with either Sculpey gloss for a shiny result or some artist acrylic medium ( the paste kind sold in tubes) for a more matte finish. 


I first sketched my drawings on paper then put the paper over it to copy. It's thin enough before shrinking that you can see through .

2.If you want a black outline and maybe some fun neon accents.

Don't use classic Sharpies, especially the black ones. If you still do, the only glazes I found that worked were white glue (it won't dry properly) and artist acrylic medium. Thing is, the acrylic medium doesn't dry pretty like a glaze and I find it frustrating. It's not a professional result. I tried to glaze over medium with Sculpey gloss but it's not perfect.

I tried oil paint based Sharpies with sanded paper. Not a good idea. The ink feathered. Yuck!

I tried the same oil markers on un-sanded paper, it worked! I added a few classic Sharpie neon accents because I noted they were doing better with glaze ( better, not perfect). I was afraid, since it's oil based, that it wouldn't cook very well, but it did OK. I can't vouch for fumes though. Maybe it's toxic, but with the very little amount of ink I used I thought it might be ok. The oil based Sharpie is not melting with glaze or acrylic medium, and if not glazed doesn't rub off as fast as the classic sharpie.

So : Draw on unsanded shrink paper with oil paint based Sharpies  , cut out , don't forget to punch holes, shrink according to instructions, glaze or not ( it might rub off if you don't. It might dilute if you do).

So in conclusion 

There is only two combos that I really liked:

1.Sanded paper, Prismacolor, acrylic medium ( you can try some matte finish too) : it gives a nice "out of the book" illustration look. 

It's the one on the teapot.


2.Oil based sharpie permanent marker, sculpey glaze. It gives a fun shiny ceramic look.

it's the one on the cloud


That's it! I tried dozens of  tools and finishes and had a lot of fail. But the good results are really pretty.


Please use my tutorial but not my illustrations if you want to sell and make your own jewelry. Make your own tests before giving or selling as I can't vouch for  constant results. 




I'm on Vine

I tried to resist as much as I could, but I joined Vine (like everybody did last week or so)

Here's my first vignette, celebrating a delightful washi holder I just got from one of my favorite shops :
Yozo Craft . So Cute!

Are you on Vine too? 

Bon , j'ai craqué, je suis sur Vine comme le reste de la planète hipster ... Mais franchement, six secondes pour rigoler, qui peut résister?  Je ne sais pas trop ce que je vais en faire, mais cette fois-ci je célèbre l'arrivée de mon porte washi dernier cri , envoyé par ma boutique préférée : Yozo Craft 

Exactement ce qu'il me fallait apres une semaine bien trop mouvementée à mon goût!


A bit of stress, and calendar.

It was a bit stressful yesterday in Santa Monica! As you might now, there was a shooting spree while our President was around. I was not a happy time.

We were safe and OK, but the schools were in lockdown for a pair of hours.  I had to wait a century or two to get my son back .

We were all worried and looking for our friends and family because the shooting happened in a very quiet and busy area. Ambulances and firetrucks were running all around with sirens screaming and helicopters buzzed their loud songs very late at night. I am sorry for the families who lost cherished ones, for the ones who got hurt, for all of us who got a good fright. 

June calendar: click and download. No commercial use. Enjoy!

I wasn't going to post about it, and then I realized, I have something to say.

What do you do in this kind of hard times? Well, there is nothing much to do. I am no hero, and wasn't needed anywhere once I got my son back and thanked the teachers who took care of him during the lockdown ( thanks again guys, you are the real stars here). The best I could do was not to panic, and help my son to go through these moments. I explained what was happening in a minimum words and details. 

Then I crafted.

When I was waiting in a cafe for the end of the lockdown?
I did origami.

When my son was getting antsy, and nervous because of the helicopters around the neighborhood?
We draw and cut out some fun bunnies for our walls, made decorating plans and mounted a nice little ikea cart.

When my son didn't want to sleep in his own bed and fell asleep on my lap with the helicopters still buzzing around? 
Guys, I had a beer, listened to some punk rock on my headphones , and crocheted some amigurumi.


And all that crafting helped us going through the stress and the noise. In stressful times, the best things you can do is get out of the way, take care of your beloved ones, and craft!

I didn't realize how the fact I could make things was such a support in my life. Making things brought fun friends, things to share, and things to do to keep my hands and mind occupied. I like it. What a good excuse to find time to do more!

So go for it people : learn to do things. Get crafty. It's more useful than you think. 


(and if you really want to know what I think about the shooting, I think that access to war weapons shouldn't be that easy)