Entries from January 1, 2011 - January 31, 2011
How I actually work

A lot of people ask me how I work so I thought I should just snap a picture and show you. Unfortunately it is a bit blurry, but you can see that, as a true classic French artist raised sometimes outdoors with no antibiotics on organic food only, I actually sketch REAL subjects on the go. It takes a lot of concentration and coffee. I usually work on a cafe terrasse, because not only I'm French, but I'm also Parisian, and true Parisian artists really work better on a terrasse. Banana trees are optional, but it helps. I draw with a kuru-toga pencil (recommended by the best artists) on non acidic recycled paper.
Bunnies on my pictures are treated humanely. I spent 3 hours chasing this little one with an organic butterfly net made of sustainable wood because he just wouldn't let the balloons go, even if I told him a gazillion time not to take more than one balloon. Cotton tail bunnies are really stuborn.
Bunnies on this blog are fed organic veggies and vegan marshmallows only.
Kinda out of time

I went shopping the other day, and I 'm so behind the clock usually that fighting it I arrived half an hour before the opening. So I went on the roof of the mall and drew. Bunnies, of course!
Je suis un peu dépassée par le temps en ce moment, et à force d'essayer d'être à l'heure je me suis retrouvée terriblement en avance pour faire mon shopping. Donc je suis allée sur le toit du mall boire un soda (il était meme trop tot pour un cafe, pouah) et j'ai dessiné. Des lapins, évidement, et un bout de l'ile de Catalina sous le soleil, ce qui est toujours bon à prendre.
Calendar (first page)

I'm quite sick ( yes it's cold season in LA too these days) and therefore quite late on the calendar. So this year I will publish it page by page, here's the first one, January to March. The rest will follow as soon as I'm out of bed. I will make a PDF of the whole calendar later if you are patient. Click on the picture for a full size, printable jpeg.
Keep warm and cosy, see you soon!
Je suis alitée avec une bonne grippe depuis plusieurs jours, le calendrier traine...Donc plutôt que de vous faire attendre, j'ai décidé que cette année vous aurez le calendrier page par page. Voici les quatre premiers mois, je viens poster le reste des que j'aurais fini mon stock de soupe Miso et de nouilles au bouillon à la crevette bio.
Restez au chaud, surtout, je reviens.