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« Shelf portrait ( portrait on a shelf) | Main | Hurray for My Town! »

Serendipity (about My Town)

My son was often with me while I was finishing "My Town".
He was going to preschool only 2 or 3 days a week, staying with me the rest of the time.

It's a choice we've made, a fine balance between a full working mom and a stay at home mom.
We enjoy our time together tremendously.

Bibu was really interested in the process of making "My Town".
He created his own models, would grab my prototypes as soon as finished (I made them twice, one for him, one for me) , and played with them for hours.
The idea of the garage model is his, and he was paid for it in brownie bites and Legos (for real).

I would spend most of my time with him when he was home, but sometimes I would work a bit while he was busy with his toy cars. He likes to play on my desk while I work and I cherish these quiet times.

I remember a busy Thursday : I was a bit in a hurry, trying to get hold of my fancy new camera before lunch time. And it was not going at all as I wanted.
I finally was about to take the picture when... 

A little hand and a car appeared in the viewfinder! Bibu thought something was missing in the shoot and trying to help. I kindly explained I felt my houses were perfectly fine without any Hot Wheels ™ addition, and since he didn't agree, I suggested I made my photo shoot and then organized his very own.

So he went for his prototypes, waited patiently (hum), then carefully created his idea of "My Town" on the set :

I helped him with the camera...Et voilà: Bibu's very own photo shoot (at 4 and a half!)

To Bibu's point of view, it was exactly what he wanted out of the book.
Lunch hour was past due , but my photos were done and his too. We ended up at a Dinners nearby eating grilled cheese sandwiches and french fries because it was too late for cooking and we felt like celebrating.

Watching the shot with Bibu, it gave me the idea to add a map with roads  at the end of the book, so you can use the little houses as a scenery for toy cars if you fancy it...

Totally nails it, right?


Find "My town" at Amazon here

Note:My town was translated from French and certainly not by me, Delphine, because my English is not good enough!


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Reader Comments (5)

Juste fondant!!! <3
Et.... Si tu illustrais l'histoire?
Nan mais pour de vrai!!!
I'm not kidding at all!

Merci^^Tu crois? J'ai hesité à raconter parceque deja, c'est son histoire, pas seulement la mienne, alors des illos en plus, ca ferait beaucoup non?

March 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterClo

Petites villes vraiment adorables, bravo. So cute !

Merci, c'est gentil^^

March 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLiberty

mais oui! pour un vrai livre même!

Il faudrait que je trouve une maison d'edition specialisee dans les livres pour enfants de maman crafty :D

March 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterClo

your english seems just fine to me, lady!

c'est une très jolie histoire et je trouve que Clo a une excellente idée: ça ferait un chouette album jeunesse, et paf, t'as déjà le titre!

March 4, 2013 | Unregistered Commentera n g e l

D'accord avec les filles pour un livre autour des enfants de maman crafty... Il y a plein de livres sur le travail des parents (les très bon "papa houhetu?" et "maman houvatu?" de Soledad qu'on lit encore à 7 et 8 ans axé sur les expressions, je suis charrette, dans un café, je lance une machine et j'arrive,...) les enfants ont tellement besoin de se situer par rapport au travail des parents, souvent c'est une représentation d'austères bureaux et de réunions mystérieuses et glauques... Rien a voir avec nos boulots, plein de couleurs, de motifs, d'idées,... j'ai trimballé mes enfants sur des prises de vue, à des shoppings chez Ressource,... Leur maison se remplit et se vide de décor tout les 2 mois environ, ça laisse des traces! Des tonnes d'anecdotes à te confier pour préparer ton manuscrit!

March 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAnne Loiseau

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