on being busy

There is often moments in my life where I envy people who only work 8 to ten hours a day. This is one of those moments, when the couch is only used by the cat, the coffee table is covered by nothing but Legos , and my sketchbook cries for a little something else than the books and designs I am working on. At some point the cat will jump over the pet gate to claim my lap and a hug in the studio, and my son will begin to make Legos on my desk , asking for advice or help every other minute : and then I will know, this is too much and I need to reintroduce bits of fun life in my overly busy schedule.
Reading time should be more than bedtime hour. We need more hugs and picture books. There is this new kit waiting for me on the drawing table, and I began to think of what I will do with it.
There is my bike and the weather is just perfect for a drive to my favorite cafes. There is his bike and a good reason for fun times together. There is so many good books to read, waiting by my bed.
My crochet blanket is neglected waiting in my favorite project bag, along with granny squares I began two years ago...for this project I even made an analysis of my movements, how much time to make a granny, how much time gained with bigger grannies (a lot) how much time won with a slightly bigger hook...
I want to make myself a new wall of only robins pictures, yes, French, round and cute robins. And I want to get back to other projects too. I want to paint giant paintings. I want to make fabric patterns, and I want to write a new book.
I just have to be patient, and in height days, yes, after months of working up to 17 hours a day, I will have a normal work load, and have some leisure time for all the ideas and crafts I have in mind. Oh the glory of a normal life! Oh the sweetness of a little me time.
I might even learn how to make pumpkin bread and cheese cake. I might even have time to make and hang giant papier maché vegetables over the kitchen counter. I might even be able to make a big cat softie to cuddle on the couch.
And then modern life will take its tow again, and I will be back to the drawing table for long hours, again.
It's a good life. A busy , tiring one, but there is food on the table, education at the ready , and a lot of love to share. And that's all I wanted and will ever want.
Reader Comments (5)
tu sais que je ne peux plus voir ou même entendre un rouge-gorge sans penser à toi?
Oh sweeet! Pour moi tu es plus liée a une palette...Le jaune Rachel (un jaune très chaleureux) se porte avec du rose porcelaine cette année...^^
des biz et du love plein tes sketchbooks!
Bonjour Delphine, j'aimerais savoir pourquoi le rouge-gorge est qualifié de "french" : ceux qui sont en Amérique sont-ils différents ?
que c'est bien dit :)
je ne vois pas souvent de roug gorge, ça me désole, j'avoue... (plutôt mésanges, pies, pic-verts, moineaux et autres pigeons...)
je veux du rouge gorge, du renard, et de l'écureuil, que diable...
Je suis très attachée à ce billet. Il me parle beaucoup. Merci pour ce partage. J'ai travaillé comme une dingue sur ma machine à coudre tout le WE. La liste des choses à faire s'est amenuisée, et demain sera un peu plus cool, me laissera le temps de faire un peu de ménage avant d'accueillir mes enfants de retour de chez leur père. Ma vie n'est pas celle dont j'aurais rêvé, mais elle me plaît comme elle est, avec ses déceptions et se manques, mais comme tu le dis bien : avec beaucoup d'amour et de passion ;^)
À bientôt !
That's so me! Too many ideas – too little time... Sometimes it's so horrible – and scary. :( So this is the part where I'm supposed to tell you – and myself – that it's NOT scary. Well, it is. But sometimes I think perhaps this bad feeling is good for something. Perhaps we sometimes put more color and heart in our art just to compensate and put ourselves in a good mood again... ?
Big hug ♥