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About me, Delphine (del4yo)



What does that mean, del4yo? Well, it's a twist on Delphine for you. I created the Non Dairy to share fun things with you, I hope you like the idea! 

Who is Delphine? I'm in my early forties, I was born and raised in Paris, and moved to California later to work in the movie industry. As young girl  I studied really hard to get 2 masters of Arts, one in Computer Graphics, one in Illustration. That pretty much says it all. I use Photoshop for more than 20 years now, which makes my head spin if I think about it.  I used to work for CG companies ( like ILM ) doing wonders in 3D with some cool people.  I also did concept art for companies like EA. I was also once a professor teaching Masters of arts. Thanks to the success of the Non Dairy Diary,  I am now a full time illustrator.

The non dairy is about the cute and fun stuff I like to do and create, and I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I like to share.



About Copyrigths:


As a reminder, my pictures are NOT copyright free. What does it means?

Do as a rule as you would do with a picture in a magazine. You can print and cut and paste, have fun as you would with your copy of a magazine. But you would never take a magazine picture and sell it as yours , or put it on your website without asking. Please respect my illustrations the same way.

This said, some of my patterns are free of use for weblogs, and I do allow use of my pictures for birth announcement and classrooms. Please contact me if you want to use them, anyway, thanks!






En Francais

Vu que j'ai eu quelques questions et autres réactions bizarres, je me permets de vous rappeler ici quelques règles évidentes. Contrairement à ce que la plupart des gens pensent, si l'internet est un lieu de publication libre, ça ne veut pas dire que le contenu est gratuit. Un peu comme un magazine. Mes illustrations  ne sont pas libres de droits.

Je vous demanderais donc de traiter mes images avec le même respect que vous auriez pour celles d'un magazine. Vous pouvez imprimer, découper, vous amuser avec mes illustrations à la maison (au contraire, c'est fait pour) par contre vous ne pouvez pas les utiliser pour vos sites ( posts, bannières, etc. non non). Mis à part certains de mes motifs ( et seulement à usage non commercial). Vous ne pouvez pas intégrer une image à l'une de vos illustrations. Vous ne pouvez pas revendre mes images comme étant les vôtres ( je n'en reviens pas d'avoir à le dire).


En cas de doutes,veuillez me contacter. Je prendrais le temps de vous répondre (et même de trouver une solution au besoin)
